Pros and Cons of Cellphones


How does cellphones effect you?

Cell phones have their pros and cons and have affected our generation in plenty of ways. Some pros include the advancement of our society and the development of new ideas. Some cons include how it can cause you to procrastinate and be lazy.
The different pros are that it keeps us in contact with people we know like our family and friends. It helps with our communication to one another. It provides plenty of entertainment. For example, scrolling on youtube and watching videos to keep you entertained, or playing mobile games. Because everything nowadays is digital, phones make it easier to operate day to day life. You can pay money using your phone instead of cash using apps like Apple Pay and Cash App. These kinds of reasons show how phones influence our day to day life positively.
There are also some cons that come with cell phones. For example, people rely on them too much and forget what life outside of it has to offer. They have become too dependent on them, causing them to be lazy and procrastinate on things they would want to do. For example, you may want to start a business but do not have the drive to because you find it easier to just be on your phone. It takes people away from reality. Phones have contributed to slowing down the development of the youth because of the amount of distractions it can provide. These reasons show why phones can have a negative influence on people
Overall, phones have positive and negative influences on people and it all depends on how you use them. Phones are really helpful for day to day life especially because technology is at an all time high, but it is important to use it in moderation so it doesn’t consume you.