TikTok Challenges

TikTok Challenges

       The influence Tik Tok has on schools is detrimental to students, the school and the environment. Challenges that become popular on social media, in particular Tik Tok, have changed society. Students blindly follow these trends as they become more popular. Following these trends gives students the satisfaction of getting likes and possibly gaining fame. Some challenges have even gotten local police involved and have harmed school property. A few people have even gone as far as to start a ¨school shooting challenge¨ to make fun of the recent school shootings, which caused many schools across the nation to shut down for a day in fear of a student attempting the challenge. It is terrible that students have allowed themselves to be plagued by school Tik Tok challenges to the point where they want to try them. As Tik Tok´s influence over social media increases, we cannot let ourselves get involved and disgrace our school.   We as students of Baldwin cannot be allowed to fall into the temptation of said “Tik Tok challenges”. If we do, the stability that is our community will start to diminish which is something we students cannot allow to happen. On January 21,2022, I was given the opportunity to interview Baldwin High School principal, Dr. Testa on his thoughts of students getting involved in school Tik Tok challenges.


What are the repercussions students will face if they get involved in school Tik Tok challenges?

 (Dr.Testa) The Tik Tok challenges that students have done in the beginning of the year caused damage and vandalism to the school, which is a violation to the code of conduct. Students who violate the code of conduct by getting involved  in these challenges can face disciplinary charges which can include suspension.


Why should students stop others from getting involved in school Tik Tok challenges?

 (Dr.Testa) These Tik Tok challenges cause harm to others and the school, unfortunately these challenges have involved damaging property. Students shouldn’t want their school being harmed this way, and it involves other students because they can get hurt. I know that at Baldwin the majority of students don’t want others to get hurt.


Instead of getting involved in school Tik Tok challenges, what should students of Baldwin High School be doing to further their education?

 (Dr.Testa) We have so many clubs and activities that allow students the opportunity to do positive, impactful things that enhance the school culture. I want students to feel pride in their school. Those who get involved in school Tik Tok challenges hurt the pride, so I´d like students to want to be a part of what we do in the school like extracurriculars, and sports. Those are things that I think will further students’ education because they are learning by doing and getting to interact positively with their school. 


Why do you believe students are getting involved in school Tiktok challenges?

 (Dr.Testa) Social media is all prevalent. It’s very addicting, it’s a way to be connected, and there is good in that but unfortunately technology is a blessing and a curse. I think students get drawn to it because of the entertainment they get from it. There’s pressure to participate-to get likes, which is one of the drawbacks, which is everywhere in journalism, because as you see today it is very click bait driven. That’s something we need to make better as a society and not make something that cheapens the power of the technology that allows us to communicate and connect with each other.